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Responsible Marketing

Responsible Marketing in a Zombie Apocalypse

By December 3, 2013April 6th, 2021No Comments

responsible marketing - zombie apocalyse

In business, it’s survival of the fittest, and our Seven Keys to Responsible Marketing can help you survive just about anything the world throws at you. Even a zombie apocalypse.

That’s right, a zombie apocalypse. The characters of AMC’s The Walking Dead would have fared better if they just appreciated our Seven Keys. Here’s how:

Strategically responsible to save time, money and improve focus

When zombies invade or mobs of flesh eaters create roadblocks, without fail, everyone flies in with their guns blazing. After four seasons you’d think the characters would recognize that zombies are drawn to noise. Or the fact they keep running out of ammunition when they do. Daryl, on the other hand, uses a bow and arrow. It can be shot from distance or used up close and personal, without drawing attention. The arrows are reusable, saving the time and effort of finding ammunition. Not to mention, Daryl is a total badass.

Lesson Learned: Be strategic like Daryl, and use the right tool for the job.

Execution Responsible with best practices instead of best efforts

When an illness broke out in the prison, Carol put her best effort into helping her community by murdering and burning two sick members in an attempt to keep the virus from spreading. Yes, she took a risk with the best interest of the community in mind, but was it thought through? Was this an agreed-upon best practice? Did it solve the issue? Nope. Half the community is locked away in cellblock D suffering and eventually turning into zombies.

Lesson Learned: Carol took an incalculable risk without learning or applying best practices for virus containment. This led to her essentially being “fired” and asked to leave the community. Best practices will always outperform best efforts with your marketing, too.

Message Responsible to respect all your audiences

Secrets don’t make friends. For a long time, Rick kept vital information from his group: everyone is carrying the “undeadly” virus and when you die, without being bitten, you’ll wake up as a zombie. Which, ya know, might have been a good thing for everyone to be aware of.

Lesson Learned: Being message responsible means telling the truth, even when it hurts, because it might just come back and bite you if you don’t.

Casting Responsible so you have the right people in the right roles, internally and externally

I hate to keep throwing Rick under the bus, but c’mon man, consistency is key. The right people need to be in the right role, and Rick is all over the map. One minute he’s a leading the group, the next he’s suffering a mental breakdown and talking to his dead wife. He’s not only confusing the group but everyone who watches the show.

Lesson Learned: It’s important to have the right people in the right roles, whether you are fighting zombies are trying to win new customers. Don’t have a marketing department filled with Jacks and Jills of all trades.

ROI Responsible because your efforts must impact the bottom line

Operating a responsible and successful business is like taking down a zombie—your best bet is a well-aimed shot to the head. Aiming anywhere else can be futile and unproductive.

Lesson Learned: Go for the head. Focus your attention on your agreed upon goals.

Environmentally responsible since our world needs us to be

In the zombie apocalypse you just can’t help but go green. Whenever one person is in a car, I cringe, hide my face in my hands, and prepare for the person to be fourth-meal. Carpooling is key when it comes to surviving the apocalypse. Most of the time, they stick to traveling on foot.

Lesson Learned: Come to think of it, a zombie apocalypse might be just what our world needs. Consider a green initiative in your organization, and learn how to green your marketing.

Socially responsible because marketing is more than moving product

The Governor wants what’s best for his community but goes to extreme measures to do so. Exhibit A: persuading his entire community to take over the prison, which (spoiler alert) results in countless deaths. He convinces them that the invasion will benefit the community by fabricating details about the prison and the people who live there. His only concern is to survive, putting his selfish needs above those of society as a whole—and paying the ultimate price.

Lesson Learned: The Governor’s decisions didn’t improve the quality of life for the community or society at large. Social responsibility is a morally binding obligation to not adversely affect those around you.

So, what can we take away from all of this?

If you ever find yourself in the midst of a zombie apocalypse, for survival tips look no further than the Seven Keys of Responsible Marketing. We’d also recommend finding a reusable weapon, a trustworthy group, a sane leader, and a minivan to accommodate your crew. When it come’s down to survival don’t stagnate, constantly move forward, and never, ever get too comfortable.

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Image credit: Chad Brooks


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