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Something’s fishy in Seattle

By May 20, 2016June 3rd, 2021No Comments

Let’s talk about fish. We’re in the Northwest, after all.

Specifically, let’s talk about Copper River salmon.  The brilliant, brilliant, marketing of Copper River salmon.

If you don’t live in the Northwest then you probably didn’t notice that this week was a fishtastic week for Seattle. One many people look forward to: The first mother load of Copper River salmon arrived. And it’s like gold around here.

Seattle’s news stations actually broadcasted this event on live (insert eye roll) TV. Red carpet? Why, of course! Pomp and circumstance? Gimme more! 60,000 pounds of salmon filled a total of three Alaska Airlines cargo flights. All hail Copper River salmon!

But this isn’t any ordinary fish. Oh, no no no. The Copper River salmon is fattier. Juicier. Tastier. Worth the money. The Nordstrom of fish. At least that’s what local seafood companies along with the Copper River/Prince William Sound Marketing Association would like you to believe.

They’ve went and branded a fish, people. Your FISH has a brand name. Are you willing to pay two to three times more for a brand name fish?  Will you rush to your favorite seafood restaurant so you can Instagram and hashtag the crap out of this Omega-3 oily delight? Have you bought into the hype?

Copper River salmon used to be inexpensive and shipped to Japan until in the 1980s clever Copper River fishermen decided this salmon deserved much better. Soon enough chefs were branding Copper River salmon on their menus, and over time the salmon became spring’s fashionable item.

The attention that the Copper River salmon demands is a great example of branding perfection. Take something that is ordinary and expected. Convince people it’s extraordinary and unique. You NEED this fish.

Wait, you haven’t tried Copper River salmon yet? You must!

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