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Responsible Marketing

Seth Godin on curiousity (and creativity)

By March 3, 2008October 27th, 20212 Comments

Boring marketing is irresponsible. Responsible Marketing puts a premium on creativity. And creativity only happens when you are able to stay curious.

Here’s what Seth Godin has to say about it:

How long has it been since you’ve allowed yourself to be curious?

Afraid of doing something really different with your marketing? Don’t be:

The safest thing to do is risky.
And the riskiest thing you can do is play it safe.

Take a break from ordinary today. Allow yourself to be curious.

Start by asking yourself, where have you seen creativity lately, real creativity? The kind that makes you want to run out and tell someone about it?

Tell me about it. Tell us about it.

Weigh in by commenting below, especially if you’ve never commented on a blog before!


At Outmark, we know that culture matters. We believe that it’s fun to be good, so we pick employees, partners, and clients that are good at what they do and fit our playful culture. Want to learn more about how we can help you make marketing the fun part of running your business? Schedule a free marketing consultation today.

Join the discussion 2 Comments

  • Patrick,

    Not much of a risk for me to comment, as I am a 1 percenter and comment frequnetly all over the blogosphere. I wish more would join in the conversation because without commentors there isn’t much of a conversation. It’s pretty one way.

  • Lou Covey says:

    I’m a one-percenter, too, I suppose, because I’m totally in agreement with the importance of curiosity.

    The problem we face in technology marketing is that the leadership of the companies, and the investors, were raised up during the dotcom boom. they were the VPs of marketing and sales during that time when all you had to do was break wind and the media would write about it. They still think that the market is waiting with bated breath for their latest pronouncements and think that because no one is listening that it’s the messenger, not the message, that is broken.

    We have to do some serious retraining of the leadership, not the marketers, to overcome our problems.

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