Can I Afford to Outsource My Marketing?
People approach us for outsourced marketing services for a number of reasons: limited staff time and resources, a history of unpredictable results, they’re too dang busy, and lately that the economic downturn has turned their minds to different possibilities. But everyone has one question in common: Can I afford to outsource my marketing?
The answer to that, as you might expect, varies quite a bit. (It’s kind of like asking how much a car costs.) The more aggressive the plan, the more it costs. It’ll cost a bit more to dominate your category than it will to grow 10% next year. But it’s possible to get a whole outsourced marketing team of specialists who know how to work together for less than you’d spend on one or two junior marketing staff.
To simplify things, we came up with a visual way to show two ways to approach the financial side of marketing outsourcing.
Do you know your budget?
You know your goals, but not your budget
An Assessment and Planning Project is defined based upon what you want to accomplish.
Our initial phase will be broken out, so we can define a budget that will get you where you want to go.
Your growth goals define our engagement and the budget.
You know your budget, but your goals aren’t carved in stone
The Assessment and Planning Project are phase one of your annual Outmark® engagement.
We’ll define a scope of work that fits your budget. During planning, we develop reasonable goals together.
Planning is built in, so you’ll have a predictable, sustainable marketing investment.
Whether you know your budget or prefer to set your goals and work backward, we’ll come up with a scope of work that feels right to you.
Still want more in-depth information about what marketing outsourcing looks like? We’ve got a 3-step breakdown of the overall process.
Ready to get started? Contact us.
Still thinking about it? Now that you’ve determined if you can afford it, why should you consider outsourcing your marketing? Learn more.