Remember when marketing used to be fun?
Maybe you got into marketing because you love being creative and strategic, but you’re so bogged down in the details that you can’t find the fun. Or maybe your marketing can’t get traction due to staff turnover or just plain busyness. Or you’re trying to make everything happen with one overworked marketing person. Whatever your path has been, you’ve found your way to this moment. So first, what is marketing outsourcing and why should you consider marketing outsourcing, anyway?
Marketing outsourcing is an integrated process, based on strategic analysis, where a single resource assumes responsibility for marketing. This can include everything from research, analysis, strategy, and planning to the execution of advertising, PR, direct marketing, communications, digital tactics, and printing.
Outsourcing offers access to an experienced team of specialists that can be scaled to help you achieve your goals. Marketing outsourcing firms can work in tandem with existing marketing staff, or directly with companies that have no marketing department.
Still not sure? Let’s break down some reasons why marketing outsourcing might be right for you.
10 Reasons You Should Consider Marketing Outsourcing
1. You’re stretched too thin.
Ideas and strategies aren’t a problem; you have a to-do list a mile long. Marketing outsourcing allows you to tap into an experienced team that can make your wish list a reality.
2. You want an objective marketing partner.
Traditional ad agencies or specialized vendors are understandably biased toward their discipline. In contrast, marketing outsourcing companies put every channel on the table. A good outsourced team will identify the best strategies and tactics for you, based on your specific goals.
3. Managing freelancers and agencies is hard.
Vetting, hiring, and overseeing freelance talent takes time and effort, holding up projects and bogging you down in marketing minutiae. Not to mention all the back-and-forth on every project, managing conflicting personalities and keeping everyone on the same page. With outsourcing, you have access to a pre-screened team of experts all connected through one central point of contact.
4. You have a marketing department of one (or zero).
If you’re trying to do it all yourself, consider partnering with an integrated team to plan and execute strategy.
5. Staff turnover has you playing catch-up.
It’s tough to maintain momentum in your marketing initiatives when you lose valued staff. Onboarding, training, and mentoring can set you back months. When there’s staff turnover, it’s up to your marketing outsourcing partner to respond, while you receive a seamless experience that doesn’t affect your deadlines or bottom line.
6. You’re an ideas person.
You love big picture strategy, but you’re stuck in marketing administrivia. Engaging a marketing outsourcing firm frees you up to focus on your next big idea—they can handle the details.
7. You need access to specialized expertise.
Even if you have high-functioning marketing staff, there are likely gaps in their experience and expertise that might lead you to consider marketing outsourcing. Depending on your team, you may want to just outsource digital marketing or another area. One benefit of working with an outsourced marketing company is access to its network of specialists and experts. This on-demand expanded talent pool can take your marketing to the next level.
8. You want a more predictable budget.
If you’ve been doing your marketing in fits and starts due to cashflow constraints, consider that some outsourced marketing companies can standardize marketing costs, spreading invoices over the term of the engagement even if projects happen only in specific months. Or, if your problem is that you want marketing expertise but can’t afford to hire an in-house team, marketing outsourcing can provide the brainpower without the HR costs.
9. You want strategic horsepower.
A good marketing outsourcing firm brings depth and breadth of experience. Review their client list and examples of past work to see if they’re a good fit for you. The right match will sharpen your strategy and ensure best practices, regardless of your industry or sector.
10. Marketing can (and should) be fun.
With all the heavy lifting required for effective, optimized strategy and execution, marketing might be feeling pretty dreary. But with the right integrated outsourcing partner, you can rediscover the creativity, ease, and–yes–fun of good marketing.